ये 5 FOODS फेल किडनी में डालेंगे जान | kidney rogi ko kya khana chahiye | kidney treatment in hindi

Top 5 foods to prevent kidney failure

Hello and welcome to our youtube channel Kidney Treatment Without Dialysis. Today we are going to tell the kidney patient, about 5 such foods, which can be life saving for kidney patients by including them in their diet. So let's first of all know which such 5 foods are life-giving for kidney patients.

Pointed gourd Parwal is healthy for kidney patients in summer because Parwal contains Vitamin A, Vitamin B1, Vitamin B2 and Vitamin C. The seeds present in Parwal are beneficial in problems related to constipation and digestion. Diabetes patients are especially advised to eat Parwal.

Cauliflower It is rich in many important minerals, which are very beneficial for your health. Cauliflower contains fibre which improves the digestive system of the kidney patient and prevents the development of kidney failure because it has very low sodium content, which keeps the kidney patient healthy.

Torai, i.e. Touri It contains plenty of fibre, vitamins and minerals. It helps in controlling the level of sugar in both blood and urine. Consumption of zucchini is beneficial for kidney patients who have complaints of diabetes.

Tinda Tinda is such a vegetable that can help in weight loss. Because the amount of calories in tinda is very less. Also, there is a good amount of dietary fibre, so after eating tinda, the stomach feels full for a long time. For this reason, also tinda can help in weight loss. Tinda also helps in keeping the kidney clean. The amount of water in it is high, so it works to keep adequate hydration in the internal organs of the body and remove the toxins stored in the kidney properly from the body. Keeping the kidney clean also reduces the risk of stones.

Gourd The best thing about bottle gourd is that it is easily available. Apart from this, the gourd has many such properties which work like medicine in serious diseases like kidney disease. The gourd is a very beneficial vegetable, using which you can get relief from many diseases.

You can also take Ayurvedic treatment to cure kidney failure because Ayurvedic treatment does not pose any risk of side effects to the kidney. If there is any problem in your kidney then don't ignore it and if you want to take treatment for your kidney then Ayurvedic treatment is the safest. Because there is no harm to your kidneys in Ayurvedic treatment. Ayurvedic treatment is completely natural and does its work in a completely natural way. If you want the best ayurvedic treatment for kidneys then you can contact Karma Ayurveda for this.

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